Tube-amp for Magnepan?

Hi.I have currently tested Audio Research VT60 with my old Maggies (MG2A),
It seems that the 50w is too weak in power.I experienced a lot of distortion already at "10 oclock"-position on the preamp.(could there be something wrong with the tubes?) At low volumes it sounded fantastic!
The 4ohm connection was a lot worse than 8ohm.The Maggies are 6 ohms...
A friend suggested either a VT100 from AR or maybye Mcintosh 275.The latter is more in my budget..I currenty run a Papworth MIA200 ,200W solid state-quite good but a bit boring.I really want to test out tubes!Have anyone any recomandations?
I heard the older model MG-3a with an older Classe DR-9 two running in mono. I was impressed with the sound.
First, try swapping in some new tubes.
Consider bi-amping with a Audio Research SS amp for the bass panels and keep the VT60 for the highs.
If 60 watts of tube power (for full range) isn't cutting the mustard then merely doubling it to 120 watts (3db more) probably won't either. Figure about 250 to 300watts or so. Hope your air conditioning is up to snuff!
I run audiovalve challanger 180 monoblocks on my soundlab m2's;the M2's present a pretty tough load so it may be a amp you might want to check out for your Maggies.
Maggies are not that hard to drive. The types with the magnets on one side only do have a knee in their power response curve due to the fact that the magnetic field falls off at the square of the distance.

Below that knee 50 watts should make them work. I suspect your power tubes are shot.

We have a lot of customers using our M-60 (60-watt OTL) and a set of ZEROs- you should be able to do it with what you have.
They were using Bryston amps at THE SHOW with the 1.7s, no complaints here. One of the best rooms I heard.