equipment interface to rack tweaks

I just purchased a new Polycrystal Rack and am finding it a bit too detailed as compared to my old rack which is a Roomtunes Deluxe Justarack. It is lacking in warmth but not in overall bass extension. The reason for the change was that I ran out of room and decided to replace a Standesign three shelf unit and I figured on moving the Roomtunes rack over and use the new Polycrystal rack as my main system. The equipment I use with this is a VAC Renaissance preamp, VAC PA100 amp, Linn Karek and Numeric cd transport and dac. Most of the cabling is Audio Magic and the speakers are Nautilus 802's.
I remember a previous thread mentioning the John Boos butcher boards and and tried these under the various components. First under the cd transport, better, but not as good as a small cheese cutting board that has four little rubber feet, under the dac I felt the sound stage lost focus. It was better directly on the shelf. With the board under the preamp I felt is a step in the right direction and under the amp a step back much in the same way I felt as under the dac. I also tried some different rubber footers I have on hand and this was definitly the wrong way to go as it decreased image focus, bass extension, and top end extension.
So basically, I'm looking for other suggestions than what I tried so far. I'm thinking of maybe a Symposium shelf under the transport or a Bright Star box. I don't know how brass cones would interface with the Polycrystal shelf. I know it would be a problem under the Linn gear because they don't weigh much and require a hefty push on the power switch. I'd like a little advice from experienced tweakers or someone with some Polycrystal experience.
Maybe I'll get used to the change after awhile but I really liked the way it sounded before, or the last option would be to move the Roomtunes rack back and use it.
Rhl: Kind of amazing the difference that a rack can make, isn't it ? Quite honestly, i had read various reports about the sonics of various racks and always thought it was "hype". After experiencing something like that first hand with several different designs, there is no denying the effects that a "simple" thing like a rack can have on sonics.

Other than that, i'm glad to see that we can agree to disagree : ) That's why i always try to stress system synergy and checking things out for yourself. Someone can tell you all about something with as much enthusiasm or contempt as possible, but when you experience it for yourself, it really is a revelation. Sean
The synergy is the same scientific application of physcial laws thruout. Could this be dynamic coherence?.. Tom
For me the polycrystal rack was a stunning upgrade over the Roomtunes justarack. A more focused presentation. As far as how much energy is stored or not it is not relevant to my ears. It simply sounds better. I am using all Manley and audio aero components so maybe tubes are more compliant. The polycrystal gear is also the best looking. If anyone is interested in my justarack you may email me. I believe they aren't being manufactured anymore