Atlantis Reference racks - opinions?

I am considering the purchase of one or more racks but don't wish to break the bank. Has anyone had any experience with the Atlantis Reference racks? What in a similar price range would be as good or better? I am most interested in superior sonics with a fair nod to decent looks.

I used to have one. The ref 4. Trounced the salmander I had before. Fill up the columns with sand. Not bad for the money. Cones, rollerblocks, etc help on the shelves. Of course that's true on my 2k Arcici now...
I haven't owned any really expensive high-end racks, but I do own the Reference 5, and I think it is a great stand. Really massive and sturdy, nice shelves (rosewood color, no real grain though), just very solid. Hollywood Audio down in Florida can give a good deal on this rack.
Thanks folks. From all that I have heard the Sistrum is indeed a great rack but once you translate the $US into the monopoly money I have to use to pay for it the cost rises to around $2500CDN and this with a favourable exchange rate for the moment. The Atlantis racks because they are Canadian made will cost me a fair bit less than a comparable American product.

I am looking towards two of the Reference 5's - one now, one later, in Rosewood finish.

Any of the threaded rod racks don't really appeal to me as steel is very elastic material and prone to vibration. Many of the steel tube racks can be filled with material to dampen this.

Stehno, thanks for the info. You did a very nice job on your racks. Unfortunately I don't have access to tools, or the inclination at this time to make my own. Construction projects done in one's listening (living) room are tricky business.
Seems like a reasonable conclusion. I would suggest getting microbearings from sistrum. It is inexpensive and will work far better than sand.