Loading times / problems on Agon ???

Have any of you had problems with Agon loading up very slowly / the server timing out / pages not available as of lately ? I have been noticing this for a while and sent an email to the "powers that be" at Agon. Their response is that they have not had any other comments about this, so they've never looked into it. I know that others have had problems as i've seen a comment or two about it in relatively recent threads.

As such, i've you've been having problems, please chime in and respond to this thread. The more info that you can provide for Agon, the more likely they are to be able to resolve this problem. If you could include the appr time of when you run into the most problems, what those problems are, etc ...

Personally, i run into problems between 10 AM and 1 PM CST and then again at 9 - 10 PM. Most of the time, i'll either have to wait a long period of time for the page to load up or i'll get a "this page is not available" notice. I know that this is not a problem on my end as i can go to a dozen other sites and they all load up just as fast as usual. This may be more apparent to those of you with high speed connections. I am typically connected at 1200 - 1600 Kbps, so a big drop in connection speed is easily noticed.

Anyone else experiencing problems, similar or not ? Sean
The funny thing about this is that it took me 5 times of trying to submit the original post that started this thread before it finally took. I know that others have had similar problems as they've even started a thread over on AA about this too.

I've been having problems like this on a rather sporadic basis but today was the worst i've ever seen it. While Tim mentions having problems on other sites, it is very rare for me to have problems that affect multiple sites at once. That is, unless something in the "backbone" of the internet system has got a problem.

As to Justlisten ( good to see you back ) and his comment about it feeling like dial-up rather than his DSL, i would have settled for dial-up speeds. Getting a message at turtle-speed is better than getting no message at all : ) Sean

I am usually only running at 44kbps, but I too have experienced problems the last 5-6 days. This morning 11:30 CST twice I tried to load page and got "can't find website",went to another site then back to A-gon and it came right up. Jim L.
Sean; yesterday I typed a long thoughtful response to the thread on "Best Recorded Music" (or something like that). I tried a dozen times or so and could not submit the post???-- finally got ticked off and gave up. That was mid-afternoon PST. Cheers? Craig.
Yes, count me in. Seems to be especially slow if there are any pictures attached (as might be expected I guess).

Also, it seems like all of my posts are "Pending Moderator review". I never noticed this before.
Yes, I've had a few problems like this recently, but nothing that ended a session - usually hitting refresh fixed it. It's also not the first time I've encountered such delays here, but again, for the most part they've been minor enough to ignore in the grand scheme of things. Then again, my computer and connection are pretty slow...