Why the limit on warranty to subsequent purchasor?

I have been looking into picking up a used high end CD player but I am finding that warranties are not transferrable from the original owner? I don't understand this. Maybe on a $500 unit, but a $5000 unit with no transferrable warranty, it makes me want to run from that manufacturer.
I believe transferable warranties have more to do with the pride that certain manufactures take in their product than anything else. What possible difference could it make to them whether or not it has changed hands? It is highly unlikely than the second owner would have bought a new one anyway because of the often huge difference in price. The used market provides a very useful service to manufacures in that it provides a means for individuals who feel the need to always have the newest models to help pay for the new unit. It also supports the dealers who take trades and make a killing at current trade in values. Everyone wins except those who always buy new and trade up a year or two later.

Another point I would make is some manufactures stand behind their equipment even when it is out of warranty. Pass Labs and Bryston are the best examples I know of. I own a Pass Labs Aleph P that was out of warranty when I bought it. I have had it back for service during which time it was repaired and brought up to the most current revision level at no cost to me. Pass Labs, who does have transferable warranties, has a well deserved reputation for standing behind their product and customer service. Pass will no doubt be around when many others have gone out of business. Their reputation for service and quality sells a lot of product.

Bryston, to my knowledge, has never ever charged for repair regardless of how old a piece is. The fact is, few amps are as reliable as Bryston to begin with. Putting a twenty year transferable warranty on their current product line is a smart move for selling product. As to Kevziek's comment above about Bryston's sound quality, I wonder if he has actually tried an new SST amp in his system. On a price-to-performance level these amps are very much on the cutting edge. I recently purchased a 4B-SST to drive my Aerial 10Ts and its performance in my system is stunning. Even Michael Kelly, the designer of the 10T, told me a few years ago that he was quite impressed with the earlier 4B-ST and the new SST is a significant improvement. I have owned BEL monoblocks, Classe CA400 and CA300, and Roland amps and feel the 4B-SST is the best I've had on these speakers. I think many will not consider Bryston because it does not cost enough to be taken seriously by many elitist audiophiles. Bryston will probably outlive most companies who manufacture audio equipment because they make a great product at a reasonable cost and they stand behind it.
At least Theta wrote up an explination of their reasoning:


Go to near the end of the web page.

I don't really agree with their reasoning as a transferable warranty will increase the resale value of their equipment. The increased value will make it easier for the original owner to sell and buy new again. Theta claims that because their gear is always upgradeable there is no need for an original owner to have to sell an old unit and purchase a newer on. Unfortunatly that is not always the case.

On the positive side, I have in fact had to deal with Theta on an out of warranty repair and want to say that they treated me very fairly.

I tend to agree with Sean and that's why always prefere local pickups of used components.
I sent this email to a manufacturer:


What difference does it make who owns the unit, the original purchaser or a second owner? If you offer a warranty on your product you should honour any repairs needed within the warranty period regardless of who owns it at the time it requires service. Generally speaking quality products shouldn't need any repairs, I have plenty of components that have never required any warantee work. It's not a perfect world and unexpected failures do happen; I've had the misfortune of some of my components needing service either marginally out of warranty or, within warranty but I'm the second (or third) owner. In every case I've never been charged for the repair (although I may have to pay shipping to/from the manufacturer, fair enough). I consider that good customer service, so does other manufacturers you compete with. If I was refused warranty repair within the warranty period because I was not the original owner you can bet I would make sure the high end community knew about it, the !
'net is a powerful communication medium. The "dealer protection" angle you choose to advertise is unacceptable. I wouldn't ask a dealer to be involved in a warranty repair unless I bought it from them, I'm quite happy to absorb the shipping costs as required. Why write? I like to see good companies thrive, you're not doing yourself any favours. Best, Jeff

Kevziek - a disgusting display of ultimate capitalism? I believe that as a consumer we all have the freedom of choise to pick and choose what we buy. If we don't like the Company's policy, we are free to buy from someone else. The basic premise of business is to make a profit for the owners. There is absolutely nothing disgusting about this. If anyone is that offended by the policy they should vote with their wallets and buy from a company whose policies they like.

Sincerely, Scott - libertarian and proud ultimate capitalist. Caveat emptor!