Are Dealer Recommendations Useful or Useless?

I had asked several dealers what their recommendations were for speakers for a specific product line of electronics that each of them carries. I realize that they all do not carry the same speaker product lines so what I got was a recommendation on what they do carry. Not surprised I guess. Only one or two asked any specific questions about my listening/musical tastes. Just a quick note back to me with their recommendation in the price ranges I asked for.

Did not seem like much of an effort to me.
Viridian, I suggest that you contact the AMA and report the finding of a new desease - Dealer Influenced Thought Syndrome. Being a DITS sufferer myself, I would be most interested in your research on a cure. If you do find a cure, or better yet a vaccine, be sure not to try to sell it, but only recommend it to us sufferers.

Viggen, while both M-B and Lexus are luxury cars, there are significant differences between the two. Whether or not the differences are significant to you is more of a reflection upon you than a judgment about the two cars. I certainly don't mean that as if it were a character defect. The fine nuances between luxury products can be illusive, maybe even illusionary. For myself the differences between fine wines is completely missed, but for other people it's a life or death issue. To each their own.
Wow Onhwy61, is the word "judgement" a powerful word or what? For somebody whose into Eastern studies, should look at the last statement of yours carefully and respectively. :-)
As a dealer, this has been a thoroughly entertaining and educational thread for me. It's nice to see that dealers have been useful to many of you, and educational to see in what areas we often fall on our faces (such as blindly recommending stuff we sell without taking the time to find out your personal preferences).

I know of several local dealers here in New Orleans who actually do recommend products they don't sell, and/or will tell you how to DIY solutions to problems that arise rather than just throwing money at the situation. In various scenarios I have recommended products I don't sell (including Magnepan, Pass Labs, Classic Audio Reproductions, CAT, vintage Audio Research, Talon, Audio Physic, Boston Acoustics, Rethm, Joseph Audio, InnerSound speakers, Quad, Avantgarde, Kharma, Intuitive Design, Merlin, Harmonic Technology, Goertz, Nordost Valhalla, and probably a few more that I can't think of right now). Ideally, I'd carry all these cool products so I'd never have to recommend something I don't sell, but realistically I can't carry 'em all.

Personally I have no problem with people taking dealer recommendations with a grain of salt. To a slightly lesser extent, I take the enthusiasm of both proud manufacturers and proud new owners (and even raving reviewers) with a grain of salt - at least at first.

If you find a dealer or fellow hobbyist (local or online) who proves to you over time that you can trust his advice, hang on to him. But still always listen for yourself wherever possible, as two people will have different tolerance levels for different colorations and so may very honestly arrive at totally different conclusions.
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Audiokinesis offers sage advice. Advice that should be heeded by all of us. Regardless of the industry or circumstances.

What perplexes me is the attitude that some have developed by thinking that simply being a participant in this specific hobby somehow shields them or elevates them from the ill-effects of diverse forms of human behavior.

Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of good people in this hobby, but there's plenty of the other types as well. Just like in the real world.

There an old story: "If an uneducated man walks up to a vegtable cart with a horse attached, he'll steal as many vegtables as his pockets will hold. You take that same man and educate him, he'll find a way to steal the entire horse and cart."

In other words, education does not increase morality. If anything, it's the other way around.

And no I am not a misanthrope. At least not yet. But there have been occassion where I wish I were. ;)

But I always hope for the best in others while simultaneously trying to prepare for the worst.