Why do people selling on E Bay "USE" Audiogon?

It seems to me that if you are using Audiogon to advertise and sell your product, then you should be able to buy it on Audiogon. Any thoughts?
I have to say that transactions here at Audiogon are a lot more professional and I like the people better (Easier to work with). At E-bay it's like being at a third world flea market. But if the product I want pops up there and the price is right I'll usually be all over it!
What difference does it make? Ebay doesn't make a particular seller riskier than audiogon or vice versa. One can rip you off just as easily here as there. The auctions are run a little differently, but I don't think differences are that big of a deal. Emailing is the same, the players are the same, but the soothing yellow, sadly, is absent from Ebay. There may be a price advantage of one site over the other depending on model, but that's about it fo me. I really hate auctions, though. I have little common sense, so please tell me if there is some other reason to want to win at one place over the other.
Audiogon is better than E bay!! The sellers & buyers more educated about their hobby & equipment, they have a sense of self policing to keep the format honest & truly an interactive club society. I wouldn't buy anything on Ebay as I have little trust in the people w/ whom I am dealing