What is your cost for each system category ?

What cost priarity do you have for each system category: Speakers, Amplifier(s), Preamplifier(s), Primary Source (CD, tuner, turntable, etc.), and cables. This will help to determine where money should be spent in developing the ideal high-end stereo system regardless of total system price. Notice that I'm limiting the source to the primary unit only. You may have spent a bundle on all of your sources, but you can only listen to one source at a time. I'll start off by providing my priarity list.
Speakers: $20,700 37%
Amplifers: $16,800 30%
Preamplifier: $3,900 7%
CD Player: $6,700 12%
Cables: $7,800 14%
Don't base your components solely on cost. Pick the gear based on how it sounds to you and not by the price tag.

The pricing guidelines should be just that & use them as an aide, as not to go over you total system budget.
The main emphasis is %, not cost, for each category to determine the priority of each.
Here's an example of why such questions are next to meaningless. I'm in the process of replacing an integrated amp with separates. (I'm getting a new cabinet, with somewhat limited ventilation, and I don't want to put an amp inside.)

Now, this will approximately double the cost of the amplification portion of my system, and substantially increase its percentage share of the total cost. Is the new ratio better than the old? Worse? After all, the percentage devoted to speakers, which I would argue are the most important component, will go down. Have I done something wrong? Is my system now "out of balance" until I upgrade to a more expensive pair of speakers?

Of course not.
I like to start with the cables, and I think that they should be at least 50% of the total system budget. Every erudite audiophile knows that cables are components, and the electronics and transducers are nothing without them.