Amp for Gershman Avant Garde

I'm looking for a suitable replacement amp to power these. If anyone is familiar with these speakers and has a suggestion please send through. Thanks.
I have heard the Avante Gardes many times, with different amps. My friend, who owns a pair, drives them with a pair of Kora tube monos. This is by far the best I have ever heard them sound. Kora is no longer distributed in North America, if I'm not mistaken, but their amps do come up occasionally here on the 'Gon.
what are you currently using to power them? i owned a pair of avant gardes and used several different amps with them. i found they sound best with solid state amps, but they did perform well with high quality tube amps as well.
At CES this year I heard Gershman speakers with both VAC and Manley Labs amps with outstanding results.