Do we break in our componets or do our componets ?

Do we break in our componets or do our componets break us in? I recently added a new addition on to my home. During this process I broke my system down and boxed it up for about 7 weeks. I had dedicated cryoed outlets installed w/ 10 ga romex. The first 10 days or so my sound was horrible with a capital H. I was very distraught to say the least. Over the last 3 days things have changed a lot for the better or so I believe. Have I become adjusted to this sound or did my componets and cables need to break in again? Or is it the breaking in of the new dedicated lines and cryoed outlets? What gives?

I once went to a doctor complaining of a really bad pain in my left kidney area. After eight months of him sticking things up my ass and generally mistreating me I finally went into the hospital under the care of another physician. Within three hours I was diagnosed with cancer. Within two days it was pinned down to mixed cell nodular lymphoma. My family wanted me to get a second opinion. So, packing my medical records I flew to Minnesota to the Mayo clinic. While on the plane I read the first doctors initial entry into my medical records. He said it was in my head. Would you please quit sticking it in our ass and telling us it's in our heads. This crap is getting old. You need a hearing aid.
Whether it is in my head or not, I perceive break in when I buy new components. That is what is, hence it is an issue. I do not perceive the same effect with a system that is simply unfamiliar. Based on this experience it is sensible for me to not make hasty judgements about equipment that is new - yet fast judgements are more sound when the equipment has been "broken in", whether familiar or not. Therefore I behave accordingly, because to do so makes sense. If you Pbb do not perceive break in - then that is your reality and it is sensible for you to act accordingly. Whether our differences are due to me deluding myself into believing something, just for the sake of it, or whether it is due to your closed little mind refusing to believe the evidence of your ears, neither of us will ever know for sure. I have stated what I believe. You have stated yours. Your stooping to denigrating others to support your point of view only succeeds in diminisjing yourself.
Just one point about "believing one's ears" as opposed to trusting electrical engineering science.

I fly airplanes, sometimes in the clouds. When flying on instruments it is quite common to have a very strong feeling that you are turning left or right, climbing or decending. The feeling is very real, but a trained pilot knows that it is an illusion, and he trusts his instruments which tell him what the plane is really doing.

Optical illusions are well known. There are times when one cannot believe their eyes.

So too there are times when you should not believe your ears, unless, of course, you like what you hear. In that case, dream on and enjoy it, but don't insist that it's reality.
I won't insist its reality, if you don't insist that because something is not explained by exixtsing knowledge, then it cannot be reality. No real scientist would be so closed minded. The history of science is littered with bad scientists that insisted their theories were the truth only to have them disproven. I don't find your analogy Eldartford to be a terribly good analog of the issue at all. But how about the analog of those that insisted the planets revolved around Earth. Are the claims that there cannot be component break in any different? If so, please explain how? It was more open minds that were prepared to accept observations that were more consistent with a new theory, that led to progress, not the closed mindedness of the bad scientists that insisted that everything was already known and anything inconsistent with that had to be heresy.