Glad to hear about the 'favorites' / asterick function -- didn't realize that myself.
Gross assumption, but I'm guessing a lot of people use this site in completely different manners...specifically towards the forums. I know there are people that use them actively. I'll search the archives plenty for certain information, but I pretty much stick to the 'main page' for discussion.
Once a discussion thread rolls off the main page, its rare that I'll ever continue following or posting to a thread -- at that point, its off the radar. I function much differently on other sites that are primarily discussion vs. secondary, but here, if I read what's said in a day or two days, and then the discussion no longer exists to me....unless I'm searching for something specific weeks or months down the road.
I don't know if other's function this way, but forums that are more active definitely bring about more of a community, and more visits.. Whether the main forum page was a bit more extensive with currently active threads, or you could 'subscribe' to certain threads and have a certain number of the most active or newest threads always displayed on the main page, I know I'd participate more... No concrete ideas, more of how I use it, and what I don't use....
Definitely agree with the comments on feedback. One additional one with feedback -- certainly wouldn't hurt if the characters you have to enter feedback was much longer...
As for the color scheme -- I'm OK with it, but anything done with CSS or any sort of template system could easier have it so that a registered user could choose a different scheme with the click of a button.
Gross assumption, but I'm guessing a lot of people use this site in completely different manners...specifically towards the forums. I know there are people that use them actively. I'll search the archives plenty for certain information, but I pretty much stick to the 'main page' for discussion.
Once a discussion thread rolls off the main page, its rare that I'll ever continue following or posting to a thread -- at that point, its off the radar. I function much differently on other sites that are primarily discussion vs. secondary, but here, if I read what's said in a day or two days, and then the discussion no longer exists to me....unless I'm searching for something specific weeks or months down the road.
I don't know if other's function this way, but forums that are more active definitely bring about more of a community, and more visits.. Whether the main forum page was a bit more extensive with currently active threads, or you could 'subscribe' to certain threads and have a certain number of the most active or newest threads always displayed on the main page, I know I'd participate more... No concrete ideas, more of how I use it, and what I don't use....
Definitely agree with the comments on feedback. One additional one with feedback -- certainly wouldn't hurt if the characters you have to enter feedback was much longer...
As for the color scheme -- I'm OK with it, but anything done with CSS or any sort of template system could easier have it so that a registered user could choose a different scheme with the click of a button.