Equipment found at the dump

I work at a waste transfer station. We get some interesting things thrown away. Lots of older speakers most with bad foam surrounds. I've repaired 2 pairs of Advents, have a pair of Allison Eights, a pair of Bose 601's, ADS 620's, and some misc speaker drivers and componets. I missed out on a pair of DQ-10's. Lots of turntables mostly cheap stuff.I did find a Thorens and a Luxman. I keep the cartridges if they appear good. I've found componets and systems which are 5 to 15 years old and in good working condition, Kenwood, Yamaha, Denon stuff. Some of the more interesting things found are:Conrad Johnson Premier 3,The Fisher tube tuner KT-60 and integrated amp, Quad 22 system minus amps, SME SII tonearm with cable, Aragon 24k minus power supply(I found this one after pushing up the metal pile with a loader, the Tiffany connectors caught my eye), SAE preamp, Adcom GFA-1a, Pioneer SX-939, H/K 730, B&O mini speakers, NAD 4155 tuner. It amazes me what gets thrown. I,ve put systems together for my kids and have given systems and componets to the school to sell in yard sale fundraisers. My computers have all come home from work, all Pentium III's with great componets and memory. I hope to start an audio club with my son at the local Charter School and use the things I've found to get interested kids started in our hobby. Although this stuff isn't the best, we all started somewhere. All systems can be improved or tweeked and the fundamentals are important(phase, placement, alignment). This would be fun.
I'm interested in what equipment others have found or have been given. Thanks
Nothing like visiting the dump. (Brings back memories of my little Nissan 1/2 ton pick-ups loaded down w/tons of stuff.) However, the dump where I
used to live was very stringent about not allowing anything taken out. Haven't been as fortunate as you but have been buying quite a few older relatively unknown "gems" on E-Bay lately for very reasonable $.
Rickmac: That is great that you want to get kids involved in audio. If you've got the time to do something like this, we may all thank you for it later. After all, the more "young un's" that we can recruite at that age, the more likely they are to spread the word about "lo-fi" recordings and recording formats. The more people ( regardless of age or size ) that we have on "our" side, the better off we'll be.

Keep up the good work and let me know if you find a pair of .... : ) Sean
And the best thing is (besides costing $zilch), they all have that great 'fresh from the dump' aroma you just can't get with used gear bought on Audiogon...
I have never found myself but have heard stories of older Tannoy discovered at a land filled site.
Its enough to make a grown man cry!!!!