SET Amp question

I'm interested if anybody has experience using a SET amp with certain harder to drive speakers, like the Dynaudios and OHMs in my system, or others. What might one expect from such a combo sound wise? Could it work well say in a smaller bedroom system that will not be played too loudly in general.
The Almarro 318B can drive some difficult speakers.I use one to drive Gale 401a speakers and most 100 watt SS amps struggle with these speakers.A 3.5ohm load and 88db sensitivity.
I've had great luck with a BelCanto SET40 (stereo amp using single ended 845's) driving my Dunlavy SCIV's which are 91dB and a stable 4-5ohm load. Dynamic, extended at the frequency extremes, huge soundstage, great body/harmonics/detail and provides the single ended "majic" people crave. A great option for speakers that are not friendly to the 45/2A3/50/300B amps.

Did you ever try your Cary SET amps with the OHM 100s?

If so, how did it sound? What were the good and bad?

Still toying with adding SET somewhere, possibly as a 3rd system in a different room with proper speakers for a SET.

I know that this would be the best option from a performance perspective. But I've already nailed that in my larger main system, so I am thinking that it would be interesting to just play with a SET and see how it sounds in different combos, even if far from an ideal match on paper. Go for a different "flavor" of sound perhaps would be a good way to describe it.

Would not think to use a SET with OHMs, but putting the SET into my second system where my OHM 100s currently reside might be a possibility if teh sound quality is good at just moderate volumes in taht I ddo not often turn up the volume much there. Current amps there are TAD hibachi monoblocks that are a good SS option to a higher power tube amp. The Hibachis and OHM 100s are a very good match in there currently and sound lovely and can go fairly loud when needed.

So I would not go to SET specifically for use with OHMs necessarily, but having the option to run that combo and expect decent results at moderate volume would be a bonus that might make me pull teh trigger sooner rather than later.

I have OHM, Triangle Titus (moderately efficient with a rep for synergy with tube amplification) and Dynaudio Contour 1.3 mk II monitors to dabble with currently.

The Triangles would likely cut it best with a SET, followed by OHM and the very demanding Dynaudios least I suspect.