Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...

Guy's I came across a story today that gives new meaning to the word "BASS". This baby has bass 57 octaves lower than middle-C. You've got to check this out!
1 cycle every 10 million years? Well, I haven't got time for that, I need the Readers Digest version.

Clueless, I think you know more than your letting on, but next time I'll expect you to divide that out for me as my cheapo calculator doesn't have that many decimal places...
So, if one cycle takes 10 million years -- maybe if we sample it at MP3 resolution we can get it down to around 10 days...
Does anyone have some supply caps that will give my Aragon 4004MKII enough headroom for the 2.5 billion year long note?
(They don't have to be THX approved).

My calulatons are as follows:
B flat below middle C: 233.082 Hz
B flat 57 octaves < C:1.6173312689105046047188807278e-15
Wavelength in feet: 672,383,587,026,397,394.72041599093881
Wavelength in lightyears: 21.66297
Speed of sound at?: 1087.467 Ft/Sec *
*speed of sound through a medium in this case gas depends on the state of the gas and the temperature of the gas.
square root of ratio of specific heat times the gas constant times the absolute temperature.
How many molecules of gas is out there?