Power conditioner question

Hi All,

Has anyone ever noticed how much better their system sounds in the wee hours of the night (or early morning). I don't know what it is, but I can't explain it. I wish I could have the same sound quality in the middle of the afternoon when the house is quiet. I can't put my finger on it, but in a house that is silent in the afternoon, my system to me, just sounds better when it is equally silent at night. I hope this isn't a physchological thing. I was wondering if maybe the line noise from my neighbors could be the issue, or maybe there are more people using the power circuit in the afternoon and putting all kinds of noise on it. Does anyone know anything about this? Does anyone out there think a power conditioner can give me the same quality of sound that I receive at night in the afternoon, on account of the fact that the line would be "cleaner"? Has anyone ever tried this?

Thanks in advanced
This is one of those things that has been widely discussed and I feel, as do many others, the reason is at night less people are drawing current than mid day. Fewer ACs running, fewer tvs, computers...etc. This leaves more consistent power out there for high current devices, and the electricity is 'cleaner.'

Will a power conditioner give you more consistent sound? Yes, I feel they do, but to what degree is very subjective. That really depends on the quality of your electricity in your area. There are lots of brands and designs out there for dirty a/c and which is best for you will take research and experimentation on your part. I will say be prepared to spend over $1K if your going to get a line conditioner (assuming you need it to power a large system and tv). Also study up on balanced a/c...products like CinePro and Equitech.

This does not explain that a significant portion of audiofools feel their systems sound better when listening to them in the dark. I know mine does, but that screams psychological and not physical, so go figure.
Most everyone has tried this. That's what power conditioners do. I have a dedicated outlet and two conditioners. Sounds the same anytime of day or night.
Music sounds better at night because there are fewer demands on the AC so your AC is cleaner, though it seems as quiet in the afternoon, there has to be less white noise at night, and because
at a certain point in the evening, you become more relaxed. If you
dim or turn the lights off, your hearing will also become more acute. Dedicated circuits and an AC conditioner will help you get
that "late at night" sound -- BUT -- it will also improve your late at
night sound, so your standard will rise and your music is still likely
to sound *best* at night. But, it is a nice probem to have. Start
with properly grounded dedicated 20 AMP circuits with Hospital
Grade outlets.
A large part of it, perhaps most of it, is in the mind, but it is real, not psychological. The visual cortex is extremely "power hungry", as it were, and so any extraneous visual activity will reduce the apparent acuity of the auditory system. That is why closing your eyes or listening in a pitch-black room results in such a dramatic improvement in apparent sound quality. I am not making this up; it is one of the most underappreciated aspects of psychoacoustics and has profound implications in all kinds of ways, most of which are beyond the scope of this thread. Suffice to say that for maximum enjoyment, you need to reduce all extraneous neural activity as much as possible. Often the best time for that is late at night.