Feedback/Ideas for New Magazine?

Hi Guys,

In perusing the forums here at A-gon it is very apparent to me that many of you do not trust commercial magazines and reviewers. Obviously, with any magazine the derives its income mainly from commercial advertising, questions always arise regarding reviewer bias and the mag's political slant. I constantly see the question, "Why are there no negative reviews?"

Having been a reviewer for 4 magazines, I know the insider's perspective of why there are very few negative reviews published. In life, it is true that you get what you pay for, and since many of the e-zines are free and the print mags are very inexpensive because they pack in lots of advertising dollars to cover their costs, this maxim holds true.

More and more lately, I've been leaning toward starting my own audio magazine, which would allow me the freedom to be unusually candid and truthful about the topics and review gear the magazine covers.

My question, is: "Would you be willing support a magazine that is mainly funded by subscriptions if you had to pay a minimal yearly fee for it?" Please be honest, because as much as I'd love to start a venture like this, there's no point in doing it if there won't be a market for it. I'm speaking of an online publication to begin with; print would come much later, if at all.

Let me know what you think, and feel free to e-mail me privately if you prefer.

Thank You!
Guess I should learn to read.
Still would talk to those folks.

And Sean(and whoever else)is right, Any half technical article should have a printer friendly version.

I remain

Your point is well taken. I do intend to be up front with my readers about my listening room, associated equipment, and listening biases. Believe me, all this information will be spelled out in detail on my website. And the same will be done for any afiliated writers. I agree this is important information and that readers need to take these details into consideration when reading the reviews.

Elmuncy, I think there will definitely be a place for comparisons of vintage gear in the mag. It's a topic that interests me, as well.

Sean and Clueless, I have been advised that a good way to set up the subscription magazine is to set it into PDF files, which can be downloaded by the subscriber, printed out, and stapled together in book form for your reading pleasure.

Frank :)

It will probably take a couple of months for me to get my website up and running, but I'd like to encourage any of you who are interested to take a moment to e-mail me privately, so I can keep your e-mail address on file and you will be among the first to receive my free, informational newsletter that will contain news on the website, contests, and other audio-related topics. Of course there will be no obligation, and you are free to opt out at any time (though I'm sure you'll like what you see and want to learn more).

Let me hear from you!

Frank Alles :)
Senior Editor

I commend your wanting to produce a magazine that would offer up no nonsense, unbiased and unsolicited reviews of equipment. Your problem lies in the fact that all of these magazines produce their main source of revenue from the advertisers, NOT the subscribers. This now puts you in a quandry. How do you review a line or a piece from a manufacturer that is an advertiser and review them truthfully even if you felt like making disparaging remarks. Makes for a slightly sticky situation.

If you can figure this dilemma out I salute you. I would absolutely buy your mag. Let me know how things work out.
BTW, what mags did you write reviews for? I have a good friend who was part owner of the now defunct "Fi" magazine.

Good Listening,

Plato good luck getting any $ out of these folks on Audiogon. Average "white collar" + "audiophile" is a cheap, cheap, cheap kind of creature. Unless, off course something is there for them...! Cheers!