Good but Cheap Treatments for Flutter Echo

I have a small listening room (11x12). With careful placement, Roomlenses, and velvet drapes covering the main window, I have managed to make it sound pretty good. My only major remaining problem is that the room still has a lot of flutter echo. I am looking for good economical treatments to solve the problem. Thanks.
rigid fiberglass covered with material. Looks good and is much more absorbent than foam.
I assume you're walking around the room, clapping you hands and hearing it? Try a tapestry, or a quilt in the location. I use the ASC wallboards..about $50 each...but the look good.

Maybe also a shelf (or several wall sconces) with some odd shaped objects...anything to break up the refections...mine was high 6-8ft where the furnature wasn't killing the bad vibes....
Go to klone-audio / click on Audio Worx Website / click on DIY Sound Absorbing Panels / click at bottom of page on Chris Tsutsui's DIY panels. Then say WOW! Thanks, Romakabi.
Check garage sales and antique shops for a folding room divider or screen. They come in many sizes. Some 3,4 and more folding sections. This can be covered in any favorite material and placed in a strategic area to work great and actually look nice.