Low-Fi Experience

Anybody have any recent low-fi experiences?

A buddy of mine recently went out and bought a Kenwood HT in a box set. Comes with 2 standard bookshelf speakers, 2 smaller surrounds, and the center, along with a 100W 8in subwoofer with a kenwood DD/DTS reciever.

He got it at a major retailer for about 260 bucks, about half price of MSRP due to a sale going on.

I was somewhat impressed with the sound of it.
Since my HT is history and a 2 channel system in progress, and i have no surround sound, i was thinking of picking one of these up for the living room. I still plan on building a dedicated HT, but untill then i think this will suffice, and probably even last as a livingroom surround rig for some time.

The thing is i was real suprised by how it sounded. It actually sounded pretty good. Granted, it doesent sound as good as a decent High End system, but it was not only tolerable, but rather enjoyable, and very forgivable of the shortcomings with such a handsome price.

I think alot of it has to do with the fact that Dolby Digital and DTS inherantly sound pretty good. But it really took me by suprise. Definatly kicked the crap out of any 2,000 bose system i have encountered. But not nearly as refined as my old HT rig.

Does anybody else think that Low-Fi equipment is making vast improvements with advances in technology?

anyone else have any experiences like this? Its been so long since i heard a In Box Bargain Bystem, i really wasnt prepared for it to sound as good as it did.
Slappy, IMO your not wrong. Several times I’ve posted similar comments here at Audiogon. The most important thing in HT is to get something that gets beyond your built in television speakers.

Even some used Radio Shack bookshelf speakers, a mid line 5.1 processor and amp with cheap cables will surprise you. Plus, there is less expectation and therefore less chance of being disappointed.

Obviously I am very prioritized toward two channel. My HT system is great, but certainly not the investment and energy that goes into my music system.
Like Albert, but on a much smaller scale, my priority is 2 channel. I'd definitely get a system in a box should I ever desire HT. Also, modest systems can sound pretty darn good when set up with care.
"Lo Fi" is improving. I'm pretty impressed with the ease of the sound coming from nice car systems and from some inexpensive home systems. Is the imaging, soundstaging, smooth response, natural bass or thrill of a live performance there? Nope. But, it's plenty good for those who aren't tuned to those things. And, it's an enjoyable listen if the music is good ;-) My wife sometimes thinks I'll make a comment on someone's lo fi system, but I'm a lot more interested in the company of those I'm with when I'm out visiting. Usually, the music is just fine. Sometimes, especially after a few drinks, I start wondering whether it's really fine enough .... Nah!
True True.

When i first started on this board, i was all about the HT. Never thought too much about 2 channel. I liked good quality of sound, but i was also all about the latest and greates techno-features.

I'd love to have a really great HT again, but i have a feeling for the next couple years i will be focusing on a real great 2 channel setup.

i still think that comparing HT and 2ch is like apples and oranges. They produce sound, they use similar equipment, but that is where the similarities end. They are definatly different beasts.