Hello Wadia Again and Agon

Something smells foul here.

If anyone remembers a thread posted here about a month ago
with the headline HELLO WADIA?

Well having tried to get ahold of Wadia to get some information regarding a repair to a Wadia poduct i own, i saved this thread in my favorites, however, upon returning to this link so that i could call the phone number that the gentleman at Wadia had given out, it said "sorry, this link must have been deleted" Now,, to me this seemed a bit strange as i have a record of EVERY SINGLE THREAD i have posted to or started, so i checked in MY PAGE and this thread is GONE! So i checked again im my pages to see if it were possible for the person originating a thread to cancel it, again, nothing.

I SURE would like an explanation on this one from someone!
I agree with Zaikesman.Keep the old threads archived. Delete only those posts which are offensive,etc.There could be vital information somewhere in those old threads that could be very helpful to someone. Besides, it's fun to read through old threads just to reminisce.
Oliver Stone couldn't unearth the real truth if it hit him square between his beady little eyes!

Thanks Audiogon for coming through!

I had contributed to that same thread, and I too wondered what had happened to it.
Oh yes, Mr Admin,
Whatch out!
People are getting emmm emmm frustrated???
and some of them are even more than frustrated
but most of them are still happy.

In any case just talk before pressing "DELETE".
There was absolutely NO reason to delete that thread.
I do thank Audiogon for responding, however there MOST DEFINATELY was long term benefit to it.
Wadia themselves posted information on contacting them which even they most certainly felt it was important to give to the public about contacting them, and even admitted that there was an "issue" with contacting them.

I called Wadia today and got the secretary, after being fairly insistant and explaining that it had been a month and i had gotten no response to an email, she assured me i would get a call back today, which i did thankfully.
The tech at Wadia was as helpful as he could be both times i have spoken with him.
He was a bit concerned that i had mentioned i emailed a month ago and hadnt received a reply and asked if i could resend a copy of the email, when i told him the initial line, he found the original email in his computer.

I just had to laugh when i went back to some of the threads in my history with only 2 or 3 posts that have 2% of the usefulness of the Wadia thread.

I think Audiongons reason for deleting this thread holds the same amount of water that Wadia used that the secretary was busy doing other tasks!
Now, if i were Wadia, i wouldnt handle my whole customer base with a secretary that cant help the public at all times.
However, that being said, I am certainly not Wadia and they are certainly free to do business as they deem necessary.
I have noticed some of my threads have "disappeared" as well. Based on Audiogon's response above, I am assuming that they were deleted as they were not worthy of keeping. i don't have a problem with this but wished that they would have contacted me to let me know. I would have printed them out, etc., as there were some I would have kept for reference.
