Essay bashing Primedia, Stereophile - and Audiogon

For those of you who like their blood stirred a little bit before the weekend, take a look at an essay by Chip Stern, in which he finds some answers on who is to blame for the demise of high-end-audio. In part, it's Audiogoners!
I don't know wether to throw up or laugh. Boo Hoo. The system is broken so lets blame the consumers who just want the most bang for their buck. You have it backwards Chip. It is all about US. The manufacturers and the retailers need to look in the mirror,and be accountable for their mistakes. Were not the stupid,naive,sheep they want and treat us like. We have a passion for this hobby too,but were not going to over pay,and were not stuck with a couple/few retailers in our town(pick a city)who treat us like crap,and won't budge off retail prices. Through websites like AudioGon I can get great reviews,accurate advice,and competitive prices new/used,and its free. I don't have to shell out 8 bucks an issue for Stereophile only to hear some pretentious,arrogant snob tell me I need to buy a 6K CD player(SIMA MOON) although it has trouble reading discs(but he highly recommends the 2K upgrade)Brian Damkroger please take a bow) When I hear goofs like Chip Stern crying about A-Gon,it just reminds me what a valuable asset this website is.
The Internet is here. And it's here to stay. I still shop at my favorite local dealers. They & I have a much easier time selling good used gear on Audiogon & e:Bay. If any audio critic isn't happy, he can move to a cave w/Sidney Harmon & live in the dark......
We are all idiots because we didn't go running to Chip Stern to learn all there is to know about audiophilia.

How could we have the nerve to involve ourself in this little inbreeding experiment put on by Arnie. Oh the mockery of drinking at another fountain than the one to which we have been assigned.

If we had just known our place Highend two channel audio would still be going strong.

The fact that you buy used gear has destroyed the economy. Look at all the former high end audio dealers, designers, manufacturers, and employees living in cardboard boxes because of you, and where you chose to spend your own money. You are probably the same thieves who wanted the tax refund GWB gave to the top 2% of wage earners!

Look in the mirror boys and girls! We are the ones to blame for all of societies problems!

You bastards!

Remember don't kill Chip Stern, he is only the messenger! We should thank him for pointing out our faults so we can change, grow, and become more like him. A writer, who takes other peoples stuff for free, listens to it for longer than agreed, and writes something that the great unwashed does not understand, and then convieniently forgets to send the gear back to the manufacturer.

Chip, thanks for pointing out what a sponge I've been! I promise, 1) never to think for myself again; 2) not to enjoy anything you have not endorsed; 3) never to buy used gear again.

Of course this means I will not be buying any gear since the things I want are so expensive I cannot afford to buy them new. Since in turn I am not buying used gear, the person who has equipment he wants to sell will not be able to sell it to finance his latest purchase. Which means he will not be buying anything new either.

The whole marketplace will implode, but there won't be anyone able to disagree with the greater elements of society like Chip Stern, so at least in his own mind he will finally be elevated to the position he truly deserves: The greatness of anonimity!
You gotta love these guys who have most of their "reference systems" gratis from long term loans complaining about sucker audiophiles trying to get the best value for their money by working amongst themselves and cheating reviewers and a fabrictated system of middlemen from stealing their slice. Takes some nerve!
Disclaimer- My comments above are not in any way a reflection on my current local dealer. If everybody treated people like Audio Visions(Strongsville,and Solon Ohio) the high end audio industry would be alot more cohesive. My frustrations are more the product of dealers in the past,and hifi magazines that have crooked motives,and arrogant reviewers who think the readers are either stupid or naive.