Best 845 tube out there?

I am running a pair of Cary CAD-211AE monoblocks with the standard no-name Chinese tubes shipped by Cary. Whilst I am happy with the sound, I think I should buy a pair of 845's to keep as backup in case something happens to these tubes.

Because I will need to buy FOUR of them, this rules out any tube that sells for stupid money (e.g. vintage RCA 845 tubes).

The only current production 845's I am aware of are:

- Shuguang 845 "standard"
- Shuguang 845B
- Shuguang 845C
- Shuguang PSVANE 845
- KR Audio 845

I have found reviews of the Shuguang 845B and 845C, but there is virtually no information out there on the new Shuguang "psvane" 845. Has anybody heard this valve, and is it a noticable improvement over the 845B and C? Also, what do people think of the KR?
i have about 100 hrs on my 2 matched pairs of Psvane WE 845s. they are getting better every day. much better soundstage then the Shuguangs they replaced.better vocal realism…better PRAT…better piano reality.i had one of the designers of the amps i have..Chalice Audio 'Grail' SET monoblocks over saturady night and he could not believe how great the tubes sounded…i will be replacing my 300bs in the next month and have not decided whether to go with the Psvane WE s or the there synergy among tubes..?..
Calloway with the cost of your chalice I'm surprised you wouldn't spring for the Elrog 845 tubes. I have both we845 and Elrog and Elrog blows away the WE's
Jwm..i am a little concerned with the reliability of the Elrods as ...apparently..a few of the dealers that used them in their amps last year are no longer using them..i still have not made up my mind as of yet. i will be demoing some pcs for a few weeks and do not want to introduce 2 variables at the same time so i will wait until i finish with the pcs to make my decision.i am superbly happy with my system and really do not need to make it better but you know how it goes..!!!
Calloway,great system.
I have been told of a potential problem with the longevity of the Elrog 845.
I am now told that any problem that may have occured has been corrected.
Which power cords will you be demoing.
Goldeneraguy…the High Fidelity CT-1 pc..i have demo'd the Ct-1UR which is superb but am interested in hearing how Rick's newest pc sounds in my system.Thanks for the info on the Elrogs…that makes sense and i do remember reading that somewhere...