How to stop upgrading and aviod going bankrupt????

So I've built my system, and I love it. I don't want to get into the whole buy/sell/buy loop where I am constatly upgrading, and I certainly don't have the money to do so. But I am obsessed.

I love reading about high end audio, but it's not THAT satisfying. I can't keep running into my dealer's to hear things if I know I am not going to buy. It's not fair to him. And I keep hearing about new products coming out, and wonder if they are better than what I have. Maybe I should stop reading, but I enjoy it.

How do you deal with the upgrade bug?
Do you really want to keep things in perspective? If so, seek out a good vintage system and go take a listen. You'll be amazed at how little progress has been made. If you are an audio gearhead do as Taters suggests. When in doubt buy software.
Good morning,

Do a search for "Words from the Wise" (or something very similar). A lot of hard earned advice there. Or for that matter "How do I get off this merry-go-round" Again, I might have the wording a bit off but you should be able to find it. I have printed off both and read them on occasion. Usually keeps me in line.
Stop reading hi-end magazines & e-zines. They are like pouring gasoline on a fire for us addicts...Oh, & I must stop checking "new today" on audiogon.