Audiopoints vs Mapleshade brass cones

First of all, I currently have some sistrum stand for some of my components. Nice. Because of budget concerns, I can't afford another Sistrum stand; however, I might be able to swing a set of Mapleshade brass cones or 3 Audiopoints.

This is brass versus brass here; however it seems that the Audiopoints have a flat end while the Mapleshade cones have tips, so there might be a differenc.

Any recommendations?
Parts express has some cheap cones that worked OK in my system made by Dayton that you can use points or take the points off for around $20 for 4 just for a holdover until you get some more funds.

Happy Listening.
Matchstikman, if you own a sistrum rack, then you should be somewhat familiar with Star Sound's Audio Points.

One should never assume that all points are created equal.

I have both Audiopoints and original Mapleshade Triple Points. So far, I like the Audiopoints better, but the Audiopoints are not for every application either. It's all relative. DeKay's suggesion is good--if your funds are limited try IKEA Lack tables.