A serious blow to Canadian audiophiles, must read


I love the third paragraph. Sorry to see that the Canadian court's decision has destroyed the patriotism of our north of the border friends. Hopefully the Candian audio industry can weather this setback!
Hdm, I beleive you are mistaken, Pot is a depressant (although TCH has been shown to have theraputic affects For those who suffer from cronic depression).

However, I do believe both you and Pragmatist are on the right track legalize drugs, tax the hell out of them and put the money spent frivilously fighting a war you cannot win to better use.

Another thing we haven't touched upon is the crimes related to drug trafficing, most of which could be eliminated with in a short period of time by opening up the market to legitimate buisness men/women.

After all we are essentially a drug culture. Pharmacutical companies spend billions pushing there products, while some insurance companies refuse to pay a provider for thier service if a perscription is not written. Really unfornunate isn't it.
Interesting debate folks, a lot of different views of what is considered an old "problem". Canada has decided to stop filling the courts and jails with pot smokers and fine them instead, I think that's a sensible thing to do. I agree with everyone who has pointed out that pot is more potent today than ever, and, that alcohol is a far greater problem than THC. THC is not a stimulant (trust me). Personally, I think the world needs to outlaw guns of any kind, and legalize tokes. Happy holidays all.
".....legalize drugs, tax the hell out of them and put the money spent frivilously fighting a war you cannot win to better use."

Ohh yeah, maybe save up for rebuildig L.A. after it goes up in a mushroom cloud.

"Consider how it became such a dangerous drug. Nixon was afraid of the blacks, and it was imagined that a war on drugs would help. But without marijuana included, the statistics could never be high enough to warrant the vast expense."

Your right, before Nixon Pot was just gumdrops and sugar canes. I think you been smoking a little to much yourself, you become what poor Nixon was, P A R A N O I D.

Well, Merry Christmas all. On this day of thanks, I now realize just how much I have to be thankful for.