PRAT = Pace, Rhythm, and Timing. British gear -- like Naim and Linn -- are famous for it. This is an emphasis that contrasts with that on soundstaging, timbre, "air". If you think about it, live music, unless you are sitting way too close, rarely presents much of a soundstage. Not thhat perfect reproduction of live music is a viable aim, but this does show that soundstage is an audio, and not primarily musical, artifact. (HT is a very different matter in this regard).
IMHO, you shouldn't spend more than 25% on speakers -- about 45% on source, 25% on amplification, and 5% on interconnects, isolation, etc. Also, at the level of $ you can spend, I think it would be a mistake to emphasize wattage. Just make sure the speakers you get are reasonably efficient and easily driven. And definitely consider used gear. You'll save huge $.
IMHO, you shouldn't spend more than 25% on speakers -- about 45% on source, 25% on amplification, and 5% on interconnects, isolation, etc. Also, at the level of $ you can spend, I think it would be a mistake to emphasize wattage. Just make sure the speakers you get are reasonably efficient and easily driven. And definitely consider used gear. You'll save huge $.