Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.
Warren, When someone brags about their stuff, even if they can't describe the things that make it great, or even if they have little frame of reference thats OK. They are not shills. However, when someone sends e-mails unsolicited to other forum members encouraging them to buy Star Sound Products, as you did to me very recently, they become something more than enthuiastic consumers. You can call them what ever you like, but I can live with the term shill.

Newbee, I've been called worst. Let's rehash this thread and go over it another 140 posts worth. It's the Audiogon enui waltz.

Scott, I'm just an enthusiastic Starsound consumer. That's all. No motives, other than to spread the word to other audiophools. Some out there are more sensitive to "unsolicited" enthusiasm than others. I've emailed others about the YBA Passion Integre and the Audio Aero Prima, as well. I suppose I'm a shill for those companies as well? Have been known, on ocassion to recommend Harmonix power cords and ICs. I own those, as well. Been a shill for Harmonix since January. I love being a shill. Oops, almost forgot. I'm a shill for Audio Magic, too. Just call me the shillster.
Guys, I got the upgraded amp stand and yes its quite a nice improvment. I am definitely keeping it. Everything is just better. Better dynamics, lower noise floor, bigger soundstage, cleaner sound, better highs and lows. It took about 10 days for the mechanical break-in.
Good to hear Scotty333. How much is Sistrum paying you? They give me a nice little kick back. Oops!, are we on the 'gon? lol....I love to hear a happy Sistrum customer. That's the difference between a shill and enthusiasm: a paycheck/ or satisfaction turning on another audiophool to something you believe in. I hope you know where I be... Makes my day...peace, warren
No, haven't been paid a thing. I'm just trying to help other audiophiles out. It really is that good. I've been through a lot of tweaking. This is really the best. It's a full system upgrade and I've got good stuff to begin with.