Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.

Newbee, I've been called worst. Let's rehash this thread and go over it another 140 posts worth. It's the Audiogon enui waltz.

Scott, I'm just an enthusiastic Starsound consumer. That's all. No motives, other than to spread the word to other audiophools. Some out there are more sensitive to "unsolicited" enthusiasm than others. I've emailed others about the YBA Passion Integre and the Audio Aero Prima, as well. I suppose I'm a shill for those companies as well? Have been known, on ocassion to recommend Harmonix power cords and ICs. I own those, as well. Been a shill for Harmonix since January. I love being a shill. Oops, almost forgot. I'm a shill for Audio Magic, too. Just call me the shillster.
Guys, I got the upgraded amp stand and yes its quite a nice improvment. I am definitely keeping it. Everything is just better. Better dynamics, lower noise floor, bigger soundstage, cleaner sound, better highs and lows. It took about 10 days for the mechanical break-in.
Good to hear Scotty333. How much is Sistrum paying you? They give me a nice little kick back. Oops!, are we on the 'gon? lol....I love to hear a happy Sistrum customer. That's the difference between a shill and enthusiasm: a paycheck/ or satisfaction turning on another audiophool to something you believe in. I hope you know where I be... Makes my day...peace, warren
No, haven't been paid a thing. I'm just trying to help other audiophiles out. It really is that good. I've been through a lot of tweaking. This is really the best. It's a full system upgrade and I've got good stuff to begin with.
Some months ago I butted heads with theaudiotweak, versus my own home brew, lead, and melted plastic, featuring 90# of mass platform.
At that time, I was reluctant, no, make that adamently opposed to the concept that anything would, or could work better than my own product. I ranted and raved with theaudiotweak about physics, arguing Newton's Laws and so on. My points were textbook, but sometimes we have part of the information, and certainly not ALL the information.
And, as is the case, sometimes we find out something new, by simply opening our minds up.
After much sparring around, I invited the 'tweak' over, to my house, at which time, he brought an SP-3 (maybe, I don't know what it is for sure, but I think that's it.) It is designed for CD Players, or DVD, even preamps, and I would think amps.
The result of my experience was, that after 10 minutes of listening, I immediately bought it.
I will take all the flack anyone wants to throw at me for doubting this product, because IT REALLY WORKS!!
With more than 25 years of experience at listening to audio products, and so called tweaks, I have become pretty proficient at sorting out the good from the better, and up to the BEST. I would strongly encourage anyone to at least try the Sistrum under your CD player. The price is reasonable, (I thought) and the results are AMAZING; better focus, imaging, detail,and with a side benefit of about an octave of really detailed bass, gained.
I am blessed with a really good system, as I have the Halcro Amp, Preamp, and a Lexicon Universal Player, with A-1 Sound Lab Speakers. It REALLY SMOKES NOW!!
My humble apologies, to all those people at Sistrum, that I doubted.This proves again, that all that we know, is not enough, and that even things that I can't explain, can be appreciated.
Good listening.