Jeffloistarca - Ya, I do the "kids" thing too, but before you know it, they'll have grown-up considerably and you'll have more time on your hands. Right now, I can find much enjoyment in even just one day a week when I get a couple of hours to sit, undisturbed, with my eyes closed, listening to music. The music we've been buying is always there waiting for us when the opportunity arises....
Ben, I don't think the term "Audiophile" means just people who buy a bunch of equipment and change it regularly, but don't buy music. It was once explained to me like this:
"Audiophile" could perhaps refer to two different groups: Music Lovers and Hobbyists.
Music Lovers spend way more on music than equipment and often enjoy the music regardless of the recording quality.
The Hobbyists are the ones who are always changing their equipment, often because all they are doing is obsessing in how various noises are being reproduced in their system, instead of listening to the music. (although they can love music, it's just not as important to them, apparently) They often hear the noises they're looking-for, but miss the big picture - MUSICALITY!! These are often the same twits who refer to equipment or music as "unlistenable"! I just want to smack those idiots across the head! If a recording is not perfect, get over it! Listen to that one when you're working in the house or in another room and enjoy the performance for its musical value. If you want to obsess about sound quality, play the best recordings when you're sitting in your sweet spot.
I almost feel sorry for those who can't enjoy music because the recording quality isn't up to the best of modern standards. They are missing a lot of good music!!!!
I've long since exceeded the value of my system with the music I have purchased. As to pricing, I don't often pay full retail. I wait for a sale, I buy it used, I buy over the Internet, I buy at a CES when they're on sale, etc. But, it still adds-up to a LOT of money, and I sometimes wonder if I'm nuts or not. I couldn't listen to all of the music I've purchased if I sat in front of my system 24/7 for almost a year!! (with no sleep...maybe a year & a half with sleep time ;-) Why have I done this?! Hell, I coulda' bought a new car with that money! But then, even though I love cars and I love to drive fast on corners, it's mostly just transportation. Overall, I get way more satisfaction out of listening to my music system....and I'm always playing music in my car!!
I've taken a lot of time listening at various places and reading a lot of books & magazines to find the best albums by the best people. I've accumulated a very good collection of excellent albums in many different categories of music. (That's because, like has been said in this discussion, there is a LOT of good music out there; you just have to be open-minded and willing to listen) I can reach out any time I want, and depending on my mood, I can find just the right kind of music to listen-to.
Plus, if the small part of the Hobbyist inside me wants to impress a visitor, or if I want to seriously infect someone with this Audiophile Disease I have, chances are I have just the kind of music they want to listen-to, or I can 'wow' them with something great they've never heard before.
Although I'm always open to upgrading my system if the opportunity, type of component and price are right, I'm at the point that my system sounds very good all the time. I always enjoy listening to music, and I'm more likely to think about what album to buy next or what kind of music I want to try than what hardware "needs" changing.
Thanks for the thread Ben.