New ACME outlet sounds worse

I just replaced a very old Eagle outlet with a cryoed ACME. The soundstage shrunk, micro and macro dynamics sound soft, and now I find that I want to turn my preamp up a click or two to get some of it back. At this moment, I am considering putting thw old one back in. Did I do something wrong? I sanded the wires, wiped off the dust, and sprayed them with Caig DeOxit (I did not wipe it off as the directions did not say to). Will it take a while to break in? Should I try a different brand? Thanks.
Although I am not a fan of the Pass & Seymour outlets I have used so far (I have a cryoed P&S 5262A breaking in at the moment on a chest freezer that I'll eventually try in the next few months) you really shouldn't make any judgement on that outlet for at least a month.
Might be break in. The fact that you have to turn it up a notch or two usually indicates less noise, therefore you're sensing you're not hearing as much-a good thing in this case. I'd hold off for a few weeks before you switch.

I don't use DeOxit, but if it says to wipe it should.

My outlets took several weeks to sound best, however, they were dramactically better the first minute I played them...

You might want to try other brands, I went through 3 before I found what was best in my system...