New ACME outlet sounds worse

I just replaced a very old Eagle outlet with a cryoed ACME. The soundstage shrunk, micro and macro dynamics sound soft, and now I find that I want to turn my preamp up a click or two to get some of it back. At this moment, I am considering putting thw old one back in. Did I do something wrong? I sanded the wires, wiped off the dust, and sprayed them with Caig DeOxit (I did not wipe it off as the directions did not say to). Will it take a while to break in? Should I try a different brand? Thanks.
Check the connection to the outlet. You may have loose connections, reversed polarity or damaged wire ends. Overtightening the wire at the screw could damage the ends, or cause them to detach from the screw. If you used the quick-connects at the back of the outlet instead of the screws, that could do it also. The quick connects should never be used for #12 wire. Too high a voltage drop.

All this will cause a higher voltage drop - which would cause the symptoms you mention.
Thanks guys. I will examine my connections. I did tighten the screws pretty tightly. I will see if there is any damage from oevertightening. How do i check polarity? I moved one wire at a time fromthe old outlet to the new. So, unless the outlets are non-standard, they should be connected properly.
It sounds to me like you do not have enough time on them yet. I just purchased new cables and in the literature it explains alsmost exactly what your experiancing.Try giving it more time before you give up on them...
All above posters bring up some good points. From my past experience with various cryo’d outlets I’d say the Acme Silver Plated Cryo’d outlet needs to break in for about three more weeks on a refrigerator or freezer. At that point I’d bet it would sound pretty dramatic when incorporated back into your system.
Polarity correctness should be -
Black(hot) wire goes to outlet screw that is gold color.
White(neutral) wire goes to outlet screw that is silver color.
That's it!