Want to buy for a power conditioner?

I have a system consisting of a Mark Levinson 37 transport, 360S DAC, 380S preamp, and 336 power amp. I also have dCS Purcell, Sony SCD-1, and other video related equipment. I am at loss over what power conditioner I should buy..just too many! Which of the following do you think would be best in my system?
I use Shunyata Black Mamba VII, Virtual Dynamics Nite, and Harmonic Technology Fantasy AC-10 power cables.

1. PS Audio 600 Multiwave II
2. Shunyata Hydra 8
3. BPT 2+ or other model
4. Sound Aplications
5. None at all
In my system the PS Audio PP works (regen output) very well for the front end gear but less difference/improvement for my amp (Ayre V3). I do have a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet feeding the Ayre and it makes a very noticeable improvement. In addition, the PS Audio power cables (or any other good makes of PCs) should not be overlooked when using pcs. It too make a huge difference in improving the overall sonics in my system. I also like the pp for their ability to vary their power output settings......... YMMV
Try the Balanced Power that Aberdeen Components advertises on Agon he offers free shipping to your door, cannot beat that for a trial audition.

Happy Listening.
You forgot one of the major players. Audio Magic. I've gone from the Stealth to the Stealth Mini Digital, Matrix and now, the Eclipse. Each was more wonderful than the first. The Stealth (and Eclipse, as well) is, now, encased in a rich, heavy duty housing, far superior than the cheap plastic housing of last year. Watch the 'gon, and you'll catch a Mini Stealth, going for a song. Try it. Don't like it? Back on the 'gon for what you paid. You'll, probably get another for your analog side. Or visa versa. peace, warren
I'm surprised there has been no reco for the Shunyata Hydra 8 yet. That 's the one I would recommend, of the ones on your list. I currently am using the original Hydra with an Anaconda vX cord. It was a huge upgrade over my previous conditioner (Audio Magic Stealth). The Stealth was quicker, but the Hydra is much more musical. You can almost see the rosin falling off the bow. The attack and decay of notes are more natural. Comparing the original Hydra with the newer Hydra 8, is a matter of tastes. The 8 is more dynamic, but not as rich and full, IMHO. Which ever Hydra you wind up getting, the Anaconda vX power cord should be considered a mandatory accessory. YMMV.
