Forte Model 55 Amp

Anybody know anything about this amp? I did email Jon Soderberg and am waiting for his reply...but I think it's interesting that I can find almost nothing anywhere about this particular model other than the bluebook listing here. FYI in my somewhat modest system the amp sounds GREAT...(Adcom GFP 715, Silverline Preludes, REL Q150E sub). Anything leading me to a detailed list of specs or whatever would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I know that it is 100 watts per channel, class A/B, has single ended and balanced inputs. After that, I got nothin.
Yeah...I got another email from Soderberg verifying the "100 into 8" (170 or so into 4...the Bluebook here is vague, but I assumed amps are listed as "into 8 ohm"). Info is accumulating in dribs and drabs...bottom line is that in its current unmodified condition it is a monster amp...extremely high definition, sweet, uncluttered tone with plenty of cajones. Seems to match very well with my carefully selected inexpensive pile of electron manipulation devices. I suggest everyone run out and buy one of these amps..heh heh...
I myself just acquired one of these fine pieces of equipment. Would you mind sharing any relevant info you've gotten? I also have searched and found hardly anything...
You have a Forte' Model 55? So that's 2 confirmed ownerships. All I've found online is the info here in the Bluebook, and some conversations about other Forte' models. Soderberg did say in an email that these are the last gasp before Forte' "moved and closed" ('97 or something). Maybe they only made 2! I hope to get more info as time "sniffs like a beagle into the future".
Update...Jon Soderberg's latest email says the 55 was the LAST thing they made at Forte', and it was a run of maybe 100 amps. Explains the lack of info.