Add, Change, or Delete? N801 , Krell , Wadia.....

Just put together what I feel is a pretty darned nice sounding system. Was wondering what you might Add, Change, or Delete from this set up. Just curious, as I am not looking to change. I love the N801s with these amps, and recently added the 850. WOW!!

B&W Nautilus 801
Krell FPB-650MC Monoblocks
Osiris Amp Stands - 3 (for monoblocks and Wadia)
Wadia 850 CD/Trans
Kimber 3038 Speaker cables
Kimber 1011 XLRs

Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
Upgrade the the 850 to a GNS modded 850 or 861. The sound will be smoother and fuller while retaining the detail. There will also be more warmth.
Great system, Porshecab! You've changed it a few times, eh?
I gotta say that I love the 650's I got from you a while back and had upgraded to 750's. I didn't need the power either, but you know what a macho thing this gets to be after a while... These amps are powering the Wilson WATT/Puppy combo that you love to hate, and I love... So- is it worth it? You do drive a Porche, don't you?