Talkin' bout YOUR generation...


A lightweight thread here, folks. Just want to see where we are all coming from - YOUR generation, that is.

We all had a defining band growing up. In your formative years, who was that band??? The only rules are that you have to pick a band from the time when you were somewhere between the ages of 11 and 17, and they have had to be current at the time - still together and vibrant. For example, at age 34, I can't pick The Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, or The Who, even though I may have listened to them a great deal. As such, I doubt any of us will be able to choose Haydn or Vivaldi...

It would be that if CDs were in cars at the time, that would be blaring when you picked up your friends. It doesn't mean you have to still be listening to them today. Heck, you may even hate them now.

I think it will provide a little insight into our backgrounds and a special time of our lives. OK, so let's have some fun with this!

MY choice in my time period(1980 - 1986) would have to be Van Halen, and I don't even listen to them anymore
First, the Beatles and Beach Boys when I was around 11, then the Stones, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Tull, Cream, Mountain, Spirit,and the Who as I worked my way through high school.

I had the privilege and honour of seeing FZ seven times, it was no accident he had the best musicians with him (much like Steely Dan does). Most people think of Zappa and lyrics such as "Yellow Snow" or "Dyna-moe Hum" come to mind, but he was far far more advanced than his hits revealed. FZ won Jazz Album of the Year with "Jazz from Hell" and his work with Philharmonic Orchestras were never recognized. The Broadway show he wrote was brilliant, Thingfish is still a staple on my turntable. Zappa's one cover song that was recorded still stands as a testament to his creativity and skill, you will not find a better version of "Whippin' Post" anywhere, if you haven't bought "Does Humour Belong in Music" yet, get thee a copy asap. I could ramble forever but "Black Napkins" live changed my view of how music should be played. Frank, we miss you.
Stuff I listened to myself: Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Devo, Talking Heads. If I had to pick one of these as a 'defining band' for my 11-17 period, it would be Zep.

Stuff I was subjected to by my friends: Supertramp, David Bowie, Peter Gabriel.
The Ventures
The Doors
Jimi Hendrix-My first rock concert @ age 15 in Berlin, Germany.
John Mayall-saw him in Berlin, too!
Pink Floyd
Led Zepplin
Deep Purple
Beatles & Stones (of course)
Jeff Airplane (before that Starship nonsense)
Moody Blues
Jethro Tull
Allman Bros.
Quicksilver Messenger Service
The Band

I've been lucky enough to have heard most of them play at least once (w/exception of Beatles) and my ears are still ringing from some of them (although loudest by far was Mahavishnu Orchestra, w/Quicksilver a somewhat distant second)