What other obsessions do you have?

It's obvious that many of the people here have gone off the deep end (yes I include myself) with equipment and music purchases.

The question is what other obsessions do you have, or what else are you really into?

I was getting carried away with Martial Arts before an injury sidelined me, I would rather ride my motorcycle than drive, and I spend way too much time on the computer (most of it on AudiogoN). If I had the money I would have a bigger and better collection of wine. Other than that I'm perfectly sane! NO really!!!
When not here looking at this site, other interests are gardening and bowling.
I play hockey every week, golf as much as I can in the summer, and swim when it occurs to me. I too indulge in wine and have a 270 bottle cellar (can't seem to keep it full, the stuff evaporates!). I also have an interest in cars although not to the extent some of the other folks do, I drive a 2001 Acura 3.2 Type S and a 1989 Toyota Supra Turbo.

I travel frequently on business and when I'm home spend time chauffering my three kids (9, 12, 13) to their sports and whatnot. Just need to find some time to sleep and I'll be all set. Jeff

It's Eider or nothing for me. I've stopped wearing any other brand. Their stuff is just that good.

I do still climb in Prana, Sickle, etc. but for outerwear nothing can compete.