Need help with AC power.


I'm an audio enthusiast, definitely not an expert any way. I recently picked up a Classe CA-200 which is quite amazing. Amongst all of my equipment is a Panamax Max 1000+ power conditioner to which everything else is connected, including the amplifier. Am I sacrificing audio quality by doing this and if so, by plugging directly into the outlet, will I endanger the amplifier? What would be my best solution?
sacrificing quality yes. I don't really believe so unless your living in a very lightning prone area like Florida is
I would notplug the amp into the Panamax as it can reduce dynamics. Plug the amp directly into the wall socket.No harm will comeof it.
Mejames, as I live in the lightning capital of the world (yes, Florida and for me the Clearwater area) I do run my amps on Chang Lightspeed 9900 amps and othe CLS products. They might limit the feed to the amps at very high volumes, but for me the piece of mind is worth it!!