Low watt system for rock,electronica?

Is it possible?
Marakanetz: That one had me laughing out loud : )

Ray: I guess it would depend on how loud and clean you want it and what you consider "loud" and "low power". My experience would tell me "NO", but i may have very different ideas as to what constitutes "loud" and "low power".

If you really want to do something like this, based on my experience and preferences, you'll need Ultra-High efficiency speakers i.e. well above 100 dB's @1w/1m* and the use of at least a "reasonably sized" ( 8 - 10 watt ) tube amp. You will be clipping, but at least the tubes will clip in such a fashion so as to "blend" with the rest of the distortion already on the recording. SS will produce tons of smearing, resulting in the listening fatigue and ear-bleeds associated with low grade electronics. Sean

* Don't let them confuse you with 2.83 volt stuff. Into any other "nominal" impedance other than 8 ohms, this doesn't equal a watt and skews your reference point.

If that were my primary musical interests I would probably go the SS route instead. If they are secondary interests, as has been pointed out, they can sound pretty darn good on a low-power tube system done right. Those systems make acoustic music and vocals SO much more betta' sounding than SS (IMHO), and virtually all music more holographic, that I'd highly recommend the compromise in that direction. But, I'd have to say, as good as I've heard that kind of music sound on the low watt systems that I prefer to listen to (and own two very different ones currently), it always seems much more satisfying on a higher powered, well put-together SS system. I think it is a matter of deciding where your priorities are.

I realize that was maybe a twisted question ,but I had to ask,My taste in music go from one extreme to the other,I loved the sound of the one SE low watt system Ive heard,Wavelength,Rethm ,Cary CD,and Alon sub.but did not get to listen for long,just wanted to hear the thoughts of more experenced audiophiles than myself,Thanks for your responses,also I like to listen at moderate volume, sometimes abit louder
I bet the system described above sounded pretty good!
Rethm is extremaly fast and dynamic.

I think in order to play convincing electronica/ pop/ rock, you need both a good dynamic and flow and preferably with enough headroom to be able to go loud without a strain.

Personally, I prefer SET or even pushpull amps playing electronica than most solid state based systems.