A call to use the system A'Gon has in place...

I have come to a point where I have to ask members and non members to use the rating system AudioGon has in place. When posting an ad, the rating guide is right there for you. What you call a 10/10 I may not, so rather than use our own system, please rate your stuff accordingly.


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Everybody knows my 9 is different than your 9. We are working with the integrity of people. There's lots of differences there as well.----BUT, we gotta start somewhere.--- I'll always shake my head over a person buying something at 65% off and expecting BETTER than NIB. I think the age factor is important. A product less than a year old should be close to nib.--- Unless it is priced at 30% of new.---Jeez, you want new---PAY FOR It---This IS a used sight after all. It should work like a new piece and look like a new piece from 2/3 feet away----- That's a 9 for me.
Some good points, however I think what's important is that there is a system in place here and it doesn't matter if we like it, but need to follow it. This kind of forum may help A'Gon moderators fine tune the system into something we like better, but I'm a little tired of reading ads that say someting like I've used the gear for a few months, and am rating it a 10/10. A 10/10 is not something that has been used for a few months, no matter how well taken care of it might have been. I have never bought something here that I feel was completely misrepresented, I'm lucky I guess, but wanted to start a string that might contribute to the betterment of A'Gon.
mdomnick,you are correct about the rating guide,it is rarely used the right way,either people underate their gear to make sure the buyers who look at the gear under a microscope for flaws dont freak out or they go berzerk & flat out lie about the condition.

there is a guy selling an amp calling it MINT IN EVERY WAY even though it has a smashed glass face panel with no mention of how the glass got smashed so badly.

feedback is also part of the reason why some underate their gear,i read a negative feedback a guy got beacuse of a dusty control knob.

lots of flaws in the rating system & feedback.

Since some have brought up feedback--- I often read where a person has a negative from a situation where goods and money never changed hands.---(sold to some one else--boy am I mad, ect)--Sounds like the guy I don't want to sell to either. I think with however many buyers and sellers we have here, getting everybody to agree is like hoping for world peace---nice thought--- just ain't never gonna happen.