What's on your reading list?

What do you plan to read this summer? What are you reading now?
I am currently reading "Degrees Kelvin" by David Lindley, published by Joseph Henry Press. The biography of Sir William Thomson, Lord Kelvin. He was a 19th century physicist probably best known for dicsovering the temperature at which atoms cease to move: -273.15 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Kelvin or absolute zero). He also performed a lot of the early groundwork for theories of electromagnetism and thermodynamics. Lord Kelvin devised a new compass for ships that would work well when surrounded by steel as the world's ship building began to move from wooden to iron vessels. A fascinating figure from history.
Hooked on Phonics!

Actually I've been doing more writing than reading over the last few months. I've completed one short story and have three others that I am currently working on, not to mention a novel about half done.

The last couple of books I read were collections of short stories.

If you want a good laugh, find a copy of Steven Leacock's "Nonsense Novels." He is unbelievably funny. Great with the turn of a phrase!
Reading the dumb questions here; for me, is required reading.I've been over on Ebay looking for a life; used if possible. I picked up a used personality last week. I hope they ship it fedex so it arrives safe.
The Holy Bible is always on top;Thomas Sowell's Barbarians Inside the Gates and other Controversial Essays or anything else by Sowell; How Now Shall We Live, by Chuck Colson; FDR's Folly; How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression by Jim Powell.
applied equity analysis by jack english

practical speculation by victor niederhoffer (a lousy book so far)

in an uncertain world by robert rubin

body of secrets by james bamford (re: the NSA, no such agency)

(fwiw, the nicked & dimed book is excellent)
Florida Roadkill was a fun read. Frankly all of that series is great airplane fodder.

While modern fiction is my normal fare, I seem to have taken a detour into Jeffrey Steingarten's world, having just polished off _It Must Have Been Something I Ate_ and being now in the midst of _The Man Who Ate Everything_. JS is the food editor for Vogue (who ever thought Vogue readers actually *ate*?). In terms of obsessiveness, he'll give any audiophile a run for the money, 'cept his gig is the eaten arts. Damn funny guy.