What do you look like?

We know about where we live,the cars we drive, our drink of preference and often what our systems look like, but although we interact in audiogon forums on a frequent basis few know what eachother actually looks like. Any interest in posting photos of ourselves to put a face with those clever audiogon monikers?
Slappy I've seen your picture. I didn't know Elmer Fudd was a greek god.

I have a picture posted with 'my system.' It's not pretty, but my wife is happy so I can't complain. I've met several people who post here, and so far none of them is worth crossing the street for a better view. Sorry.
Although I don't quite fit the profile...I love the comment that Chicago Bears defensive lineman Steve McMichael once gave:

"My face is too ugly for radio!"

Just substitute internet. LOL.
Damn, what a sorry lot of raggedyass eyesores we all are! Cept' of course Slappy and Holzhauer, ooops, I meant Thor and Zeus! It must be a requisite for admission to the ranks of 'Audiophile' to bear some resemblence to the backside of a baboon (or something left behind by same)! So who let those two in anyway?! I think we oughta find the traitor(s) and string'em all up by their testicles from the top of some of those big-ass phased array speakers. Then we can crucify them on some stacked Quads and let the Buzzards pick'em clean so their useless flesh is not screwing-up that amazing soundstage those Quads may otherwise be throwing. How bout it?! Oh, wait, I've seen Slappy's picture...he can stay!
