TV's... what does the typical audiophile have?

Like a good stereo system, does the quality of the picture matter to the enjoyment of a program? Or is a high quality picture even necessary to "get the message" of the show?
So what do you watch your favorite show on?
i have a 52 inch hitachi that never gets watched,my family watches very little tv & i never watch tv, once in a blue moon ill watch the history channel but other than that tv sucks, i prefer to read or listen to my system.

Have a Sony 27" XBR in the bedroom. Moving to a 42" HD plasma this Fall. Very BR friendly.....
Toshiba 27AF41 on a Tech-Craft stand made for a Sony 32in TV. Perfect fit, form, and funtion.

I have a bunch of televisions, which is suprising since I have no use for the dreck on public television and I never, ever watch movies. I read a lot and of course listen to music constantly. My family likes TV and movies so we ended up with a whack of 'em disbursed around the house:

- 36" Sony in the family room
- 20" Toshiba in the garage
- 20" Toshiba in the bedroom
- 27" Hitachi in the basement
- 13" Toshiba in the home office

Five people, five TV's and the kids still bicker about what to watch. I admit to being a NFL junkie, Sundays and Monday night I do watch football. I think I'd be happy getting rid of all them, maybe keep one for football.
50" Panasonic Plasma HD.

Movies (mostly DVD, some small dish sat) and College Football only. Have even stopped watching any PBS since our local station has sold out to evil corp zombies.

Although I have a combined 2 channel/surround set up, I never watch music DVDs. Even the best ones have bored me after a single viewing. Also, I find the sound through the theater setup pretty bad.