How about a contest?

I see pretty awesome systems in the virtual systems section. Just look at the Done for Now and All Out Assault categories.

In this web-site are people to say this product is better than that one, or spending this much money is foolish or not spending enough is foolish. But here the rubber can never really meet the road. If you get my drift.

It would seem that with all the zeal for knowledge here, the know-it-alls, the humble, the competitive spirit, you would think that Audiogon would by now have developed a contest format, maybe even charge an entrance fee, employ a few professionals and or retired members to travel to homes to evaluate and score and submit the compiled results. There could even be different winners for different categories.

They do this type of thing in other hobbies, slot cars, shooting, etc, so why not provide an arena for the best systems.

Who would be interested in a contest?

Let the games begin!
You mean like mobile audio jamborees, or whatever they're called? Sigh...I have enough to do managing work, kids, getting to as many LIVE music events as I can...and now KAYAKING (whoopie!), to worry about whether my finely-honed systems pass anybody else's muster! Maybe some of the younguns will respond, but for me a great system is about the enjoyment of MUSIC, not bragging rights.
I admire your zeal for shared experience and group fun, but maybe this is not to be....
god allmighty , i for 1 would never be interested in somthing like that, can you imagine the cash that would have to be spent to try & keep up with the jones's.
