Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."
"The only reason i am parting with these is that my beloved cat, Mollie, was diagnosed with cancer last week, and the vet bills deem this sale a necessity. "
A joke:

Two friends meet each other asking asking how things going well/bad...
One of them sais:
--Can you imagine I've got an Elephant for $10k! It's a beautiful animal. It waters my flowers and garden, plays with my children and dog and generousely helps me with home improvement!
--Wow I want also an Elephant can you sell yours to me?
--OK I can only sell it to you for $15k since it's my very dear animal.
In another week they meat each other and asking how things are going:
--Oh So terrible! This beast almost stomped on my wife, killed my dog, stomped all over my flowers and garden, almost destroyed my house... I don't know what to do!!!
--Eh, with this mood you're never going to sell your animal!
Here's one from just today for a pair of interconnects, a direct quote:

"Smooth and tube sound cables"

It's not the poor use of english that is as amusing as attributing a "tube sound" to a pair of interconnects. Incidentally, they are a pair of in that horrible interconnect-brassiere advertisement (on which there is another thread here on the Gon'). Perhaps he meant "boob-like" sound?

It is really heavy! Pick it up! Go ahead! Try! This was what met me several years ago when I was searching for an amplifier . I did not know anything about amplifiers then- little less than I truly know now. It seems that there is something to it. But at the time I just thought this very slight, elderly man was really very funny. I could not get away from him! Could not appease him with anything less than actually attempting to lift the damn thing. It WAS very heavy! It also sounded like shit. Well, at least I thought so at the time. Nice man, though.