Should there only be one company making gear?

Since there are such strong feelings regarding audio gear, with one company being right while the others are wrong, would it be easier on our psyche if there were only one company?

For example, one person might love Krell gear while another prefers the Rouge 88. Rather than the two of them fighting or disagreeing about the merits or shortcomings of the other, wouldn't it be easier/better if these conflicts did not exist?

Is it possible that there will ever be a piece of gear on which all audiophiles could agree?
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Over time it wouldn't really make any difference as far as product availability goes. If the single hi-fi provider acted in their long-term best interest they would aggressively institute a product differentiation campaign to segment the market and thereby charge higher prices for specific goods. At first the differentiation would be cosmetic based or feature set driven, but eventually they would even start to cater to those consumers who want better sounding products. Over time the single provider would provide whatever the market demands and fill every possible marketing niche. The downside is that prices for these niche products would be astronomically higher than in today's open marketplace. Of course, this all assumes that Bill Gates is not in charge of the single hi-fi provider.