$5000 to spend....

....Bad news is I got laid off... Good news is I got a nice check for unused vacation time. I'm putting most of it towards a rainy day, but if I were to spend $5000 of it on "improving" my system, how would it best be spent? Is there one component that should be upgraded? Or, should I divvy up the money and put it towards a couple of components? Of course, there are those 2003 Bordeaux and Sauternes futures to consider.. :-)
Actually, save your cash ... it may take longer than you think to land a new gig. You have a really nice system ... now you have some extra time to enjoy it. If you MUST spend the money ... wait until you land a new gig and then, take off an extra month before you start. The $5 G's (actually $10 G's pre-tax) will pay for an extra month's worth of mortgage, utilities, food, something nice for your wife, and some new CD's/records. I have walked this same road 3 times since 1980 ... it's less fun each time.

Regards, Rich
I agree with Rarl...

Save the cash and hunker down. Good positions are not easily found these days. I've been out of business for 5 months and no real prospects. Listen to some tunes to help pass the days.

Good luck,
Ditto: Buy a treadmill and improve your health.
Peeps keep saying the economy is going to bounce back.
I don't see it. Unless we come up with a new source of clean cheap energy (like fusion) we are slowly but surely sliding towards the global standard of living.
My line of work (mainframe computing) was moved offshore
so some CEOs could have bigger bonuses.
You've been hit also. Who will be next?
And the beat goes on...