Thoughts on the Rogers EHF-100?

Anyone heard this new amp? Thoughts?
I just heard these yesterday at stereo exchange - wow! I found it extremely impressive listening to the oscar Peterson quartet. What stood out to me was that all the details were there but they didn't distract from the overall balanced, natural sound. I found the soundstage on triode mode outstanding, with clear separation and depth, but again, not so much that it calls attention to itself. To me, however good a value these are compared to more expensive separates, it is still expensive and out of my range, but definitely on my wish list.
Just heard it today. Compared it to McIntosh gear in the same room. Sounded way better than Mac gear.
Interesting perspective from the retailer. People come in with the specific purpose of buying another brand and they go with Rogers.

It's on my short list. My only concern is whether this company will be around ten years from now. This amp is good enough to have as a keeper IMO.
Just home demo'd one last week. I heard for the first time what my speakers are capable of sounding like! I am saving to buy one!