Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?

Has anyone heard the XP-30 that was released a couple of weeks ago?

I have the XP-10 and just wondering how much better the XP-30 is at $16.5K? How does it stack up against the Ayre KXR preamp?
Petrushka, That is indeed very interesting and helps to explain its high performance. I had a friend over tonight to do some more listening to the XP-30. He brought over some of his favorite LPs and was very impressed with the improvement over my XP-20. He knows my system well. One of the topics we discussed is the polemic that audio reviewers espouse, namely that a component usually falls into one of two camps: the accurate (read analytical, hyper detailed and often sterile) or the musical (read euphonic, warm, beautiful).

My friend and I have always been puzzled with these seemingly opposed camps. To us, something that sounds accurate, ie. like real music, is by definition "Musical" with a capital "M". It is highly resolving and beautiful at the same time. The XP-30 is an example of a component that does just that. There is such a level of resolution, lack of distortion and great detail, and dare I say "accuracy", that it is the most "(M)usical" pre amp that I, and my friend, have heard.

It was a most memorable evening.
Very, very insightful discussion...

Having ordered the Krell Phantom (two-chassis, 17500 USD retail), presumably a model comparable in features and quality to the XP-30, I would be interested to know more on comparison between Pass and Krell preamps, generally, and if possible, on Pass XP series vs Krell Evo preamps.


You don't know what you're missing until it's there.

While I'm not sure the XP-30 is the most (M)usical preamp I have heard, Peter's system, with the XP-30 added, offers a presentation so sure and engaging that I am still hearing and 'feeling' the music of last night's listening session.

Characteristics are rich and solid vocals, stunning speed, a newfound soundstage breadth, a substantially greater transmission of complex symphonic passages, more persuasive imaging and this listener's life-list level of timbral accuracy.

The complementarity of the XP-30 with Peter's other system components is disarming: even with flawed recordings the music can somehow survive. That's a feat.

the other listener in Peter Ayer's thread (two entries above)
FWIW there is a new review,

The reviewer compares the XP-30 to the MBL 6010d which is arguably the best preamp I have ever heard.