Got any of your dream system yet?

If you suddenly had enough money to build your dream system, would anything you own now be part of that system?

As you can see from my system, none of it would survive.
I have learned that I could never predict what I keep for a long time. It largely depends on where new breakthrough equipment comes from. My Mana stands and my Omega Mikro pcs have been around longest.
If money was not an issue, I would still have the same transport and DAC. I would also have the same brand of IC and speaker cables just a wee bit further up the line. Other then that everything else would be gone or used in a second or third system :)
definitely cryo your cd's - I am amazed at the improvement in dynamics, smoothness, detail, air around instruments, etc. And your whole system benefits.

VAC PHI - with caravelle speakers will be kept for awhile for sure - no burning desire to upgrade at all.
If I suddenly had the money? I'd give the preamp a shot at staying in the new system and see how it stacks up. I think the Gyro would stay but I'd upgrade the motor, PSU, arm, cart, and might try out the "unsprung" mod because I would opt for some serious isolation platforms for the whole system. Everything else would go to a bedroom system in favor of new stuff and I'd go hog frickin' wild upgrading the speakers and cables :p Not to mention buying a shite TON of new music!

Of course I would have the room redesigned and rebuilt and it would sound incredible. I still can't believe some of the people that will put a zillion dollar system in an untreated room, it's no wonder they're always upgrading!

And of course balanced isolated power on a dedicated circuit, though I plan on doing this when I have a house, anyway.

Fun thread, I'll try not to get depressed thinking about what I *could* have ;) Who knows, I could get lucky. Then again, I'm only 23--I could start saving now, LOL.