Anyone auditioned Pass Labs XP-30 preamp?

Has anyone heard the XP-30 that was released a couple of weeks ago?

I have the XP-10 and just wondering how much better the XP-30 is at $16.5K? How does it stack up against the Ayre KXR preamp?
Peterayer..I have heard the Hegel P-30 and the H-30 mono-blocs hooked up to a pair of Amphion Argon7-L speakers. organic..very tight with outstanding bass. Have you noticed how different solid state Pre-amps sound bright, some with loose bass, muddy midrange, lack of 3D dimensional space? Heres why. Feedback looping in different Preamps creates more noise in certain frequency bands and less noise in the other bands. So the noise levels varies in different bands from one Pre-amp to another. If you have a Pre-amp that has very little to no noise interfering with the ten main bands, then you have a Pre-amp that will sound absolutely wonderful which is why feed forward Pre-amps will always sound better. The Hegel premium line came into the U.S. in August 2009 and have already picked up over thirty retailers in three years which is impressive.
>>08-05-12: Audiozen
The idea that we stick to the past designs of 35 years ago is silly.<<

For example vacuum tubes vs. solid state and analog vs. digital?

Yeah, that's silly.
Audiofeil..where is your brain?..I think you have too much mold in your bong. I was referring to solid state only relying on solid state engineered designs 35 years ago. I never brought up tubes vs. solid state. Thats another subject.
hi has anyone compared XP-30 with JF Corus? i know of there is a price gap between them but it's not that big. just would like to know their sonic difference, if which one is more relax & sweeter, the leading edge attack and high's extension, which has more air around the notes etc.. thanks

I'd be very interested in auditioning the P-30, or hearing it at a dealer.
When I go to the Hegel website, they don't even list their U.S. dealers.
Not a good business practice, IMO.
As long as they do business like this, they won't get an appreciable part of the U.S. market, no matter how good their gear is....