Trouble letting go?

Am I the only one who has gear laying around they're not using because they have trouble letting go of stuff they like? I've got a pair of Energy C6s that are actually holding up my rear speakers. I haven't sold them because I liked them and they were such a good value. I also have an old preamp in my attic (Perreaux, somewhere between 10 and 15 years old). I still have it because it was my first preamp. Am I nuts? Should I just sell them, or does anyone have any recommendations for a cd player and amp that might match these components for a decent secondary small-room system? Ack! Did I just say that? Oh well...
Do you have any family members that might appreciate it? My parents are using a system made from some of my old gear and they love it (Infinity Qa speakers, NAD receiver, Denon CD player). They never would've spent the money for even a modest system like this. They have 400 to 500 CDs - not bad for a couple in their late 60s with absolutely no interest in audio.
It's nice to have extra equipment about in the event all you have is fried by a lightning strike. At least that's how I justify it ;-) Jc2000 has it nailed.
I am nuts too. I am not a pack rat about most anything else except audio. I still own most of what I have enjoyed at different periods in my evolution. The only thing I can say is overly sentimental and that is I don't want to give/sell away a piece of my sonic youth. That being said I have some stuff which I have bought recently which I would sell, I could use the room. Now its my Wife she likes it and won't let me sell it!
I am in the Same Boat! My spare rooms look like "The Isle of Misfit Toys"! I was running 4 systems up to about 2001, 3-2 channel, & 1-7.1 HT system. I'm now working on a 2 in 1 system, 2 ch & 5 ch HT. However I still have enough spare equipment in a spare room just shy of speaker cables to build 2 more 2ch systems! I myself must detatch myself from some of these items, & learn to let GO!!!

I didn't think it was all that bad till an A'Gon buddy sold of his entire system 2 months ago due to frustration I guess? He just mentioned to me that when he decides to build another system he's just going one stop shopping in "Frank's Audio Warehouse"!

I just 2 weeks ago answered a thread on a Sacd player that I thought I had sold, only to discover later that I still own it!

I'm doing somewhat better, I have been listing a few items for sale lately, but that's only cause I'm also Buying!!!
Similar situation here: without planning to, I've ended up with three complete two-channel systems (two with three sources, one with two sources). I live alone, so there's no problem housing all this stuff (bedroom system, living room system, home office system).

The problem is that now I don't like the idea of not having a music system in each of my main rooms!

Yes, a form of madness.

Happy listening all!
